JMMC/ESO Calibrator Workgroup - Feb. 16 2011 / 14h-16h
Contact Informations
- Grenoble
- Nice
- Garching
- room : L130
- phone : +49 89 3200 6669
- contact : Markus Wittkowski (
- server: videoconf. will be initiated from here
Action Lists
%ACTIONSEARCH{ web=Jmmc.Software topic=JMMCSearchCalReunionESO?.*}%
Archived actions
Status of the updates for the next release in June 2011
- JMMC Catalogue:
- diam_vk values to be present for all stars, also for those that are present in the Borde or Merand catalogues;
- fixing of the problem of "faulty diam_vk computed from wrong magnitudes coming from Bordé" mentioned in the email from S. Lafrasse, dated 3 Dec 2010 17:41:54;
- JMMC concludes to leave Bordé & Mérand catalog, and only provide stars diameters that comply to SearchCal criterias when available;
- ESO proposes to crossmatch with Bordé & Mérand to flag provenance at Calvin stage (quality flag : 1 means JSDC, 2 means Bordé/Mérand, 3 means MIDI);
- addition of the MIDI consortium calibrator catalogue;
- JMMC : 61% coverage, 3 problems needing developments:
- low pointing accuracy;
- tight binary rejecting (not based on magnitude differences);
- large error bars on V & R magnitudes -> use AKARI for N band;
- ESO : show JSDC if available, plus MIDI entries;
- agreement on a long-term plan to move from ESO catalog format to an updated JSDC (first decipher which columns are missing to do the trick);
- Next release schedule:
%ACTION{ closed="2011-04-07" closer="Main.SylvainLafrasse" created="2011-02-16" creator="Main.SylvainLafrasse" due="2011-03-01" state="closed" uid="001407" who="Main.ESO" }% Provide
CfP parameters.
%ACTION{ closed="2011-04-07" closer="Main.SylvainLafrasse" created="2011-02-16" creator="Main.SylvainLafrasse" due="2011-04-01" state="closed" uid="001408" who="Main.SylvainLafrasse" }% Provide first catalog beta.
%ACTION{ closed="2011-11-23" closer="Main.GuillaumeMella" created="2011-02-16" creator="Main.SylvainLafrasse" due="2011-06-01" state="closed" uid="001409" who="Main.SylvainLafrasse" }% Provide final catalog.
- ESO CalVin Interface:
- fixing of a bug in the computation of the shadowing, and addition of delay line limits;
- addition of the seeing-dependent limiting magnitude for AMBER;
- enabling of the LST/HA option;
- enabling of the search by visibility;
Discussion on possible longer-term improvements
Compared to our original science requirements document, the following items are not yet or not fully implemented. Should they ?
- how to transpose JSDC to faint calibrators (needed in the 1.5 coming years) despite the actual interactive mode and the huge amount of candidate stars at those magnitudes ?
- relax spectral binary filtering on magnitude differences (5, but dependant on instrumental configurations)!
- Spectral type, luminosity class, temperature, surface gravity, LMN magnitudes in the catalogue:
- information on quality as astrometric reference star;
- information on quality as spectral calibrator (cf. Sect. 3 of the science requirements document);
- Use of a bad calibrator list and feedback to the catalogue (cf. Sect. 3 of the science requirements document):
- ESO Quality should provide us with newly flagged calibrators through BadCal;
- JMMC should filter ESO calibrator catalog through BadCal;
- Information on previous observations and measured quality of a calibrator (cf. Sect. 4 of the science requirements document):
- ESO Archive starts to provide products, and should then be able to do it in the future;
- JMMC stresses the problem between bad calibrators and misbehaving instruments;
- display of feasible LST range for science target and calibrators (also search for desired LST range) cf. Sects. 5&6;
- "The new tool shall make use of modern visualizing capabilities and be designed with ease of use in mind" (cf. Sect. 7) Are we there ?
- ESO states that the user friendliness of CalVin has already greatly improved lately;
- JMMC emphasizes functionality over new developments;
The science requirements document stated
- "Strategy to find calibrators and to estimate their diameters shall be discussed and regularly revised" How do we do this ?
- JMMC is happy with our semester videoconferences rhythm to keep everybody up to date on the progress on each side;
Short informal outlook on our collaboration?
SylvainLafrasse - 16 Feb 2011