This page gathers information and document content admin tasks.


The portal provides a user interface with three level of content:
  • public access
  • authenticated access
  • admin access

Admin functions

Collection management

Admin accounts can delete collection through the collection page. Each collection section get a 'Delete Button' with confirmation dialog. At the present time, each associated resources (collection description and associated granules) are deleted. If you hesitate, please contact the JMMC tech group.

User account management

DataPi management

Admin accounts can :
  • link new datapi name after harvesting step : datapis page present the 'orphan' names on top of the datapis table (with an icon)
  • edit the firstname and lastname for every users that have not been set
  • edit the associated email

At the present time, email association must be done through exide editing (manually edit /db/apps/oidb-data/people/people.xml)

Pionier datapis can be added to the /var/www/html/oidata/pionier/.htpasswd using their account login/password (convert it using htpasswd from sympa database).


Data backups are perform out of the service. Submitted OIFits and database content are backuped on remote machines on a daily basis and various storage solutions on a weekly and monthly basis. There is no panel or function available from the backoffice.


OiDB is hosted and integrated with the ExistDB framework. ExistDB gets its own logs (+ jetty's wrapper output):
  • $EXISTD_ROOT/exist-db/tools/wrapper/logs/wrapper.log
  • $EXISTD_ROOT/exist-db/webapp/WEB-INF/logs/exist.log

ExistDB is behind an apache webserver that also gather it's own log entries.


How to get an admin access ?

Please contact the JMMC user support.

-- GuillaumeMella - 22 Mar 2016

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Topic revision: r2 - 2016-04-13 - GuillaumeMella
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