TeXShop Tips

Everything you need to know to be efficient with TeXShop

A very useful document from H. Schulz:

* TeXShop_tips.pdf: Tips for TeXShop from H. Schulz

Command Completion

In TeXShop Source > Command Completion > Edit Command Completion File ...

Et découvrez tous ces charmants raccourcis qui existent déjà (ces exemples sont utiles dans Beamer)

Exemples :

\bfra + escape
\bite + escape
   \item •

Ou créez les vôtres : \block:=\begin{block}{#INS#}#RET#•#RET#\end{block}


-- ThomasVuillaume on Solenn's behalf (who doesn't seem to be able to create a Twiki topic) - 25 Feb 2015

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
PDFpdf TeXShop_tips.pdf r1 manage 683.6 K 2015-02-25 - 09:32 UnknownUser Tips for TeXShop from H. Schulz

This topic: Main > WebHome > PhD > PhDTools > LaTeXTips > TeXshopTips
Topic revision: r2 - 2015-02-25 - ThomasVuillaume
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