All the tools you'll need to master to achieve your PhD!

Teaching Lab Skills for Computer scientists

Some very useful free tips and classes about programming for scientists:

Also on this website, the very nice PhD starter kit.

The PhD Tools you'll learn to love (presentation made on November 2014 & September 2015 by Thomas):

Compare the library managers (Mendeley, Zotero, etc...)

  • Zotero:
  • Mendeley:
  • Readcube: (02/20/2015) seems nice. I like the framework and some features ( especially the discovery engine that will propose new articles based on your current biblio) but only the pro version will allow you to save and sync your library on the cloud and multiple devices :'( - maybe you can do that through another client like Dropbox though.
  • Papers for Mac: Solenn finds it very useful. You can get a license for free from support-info. Easy searching and organizing from within the application. Manual/automatic librairies. Many filters. Easy drag and drop into your LateX editor. Works with bilbioplanet access codes from the lab or not.

Use LaTeX efficiently with LaTeXTips

There is also a subsection on TeXshopTips for mac users

For templates on Beamer (presentations), Posters, articles, drawings using LateX, contact
Templates will be uploaded to this page when got time.

Go to the PhD IDL library

Mac users (coming soon ?)

Do not get Yosemite!! Do get El Capitan.

Shell and Terminals: Customize your terminal (shortcuts, fonctions, ....), learn basic shell
Aquamacs, neat Emacs application for mac

Do you need to solve freezing/disconnecting issues when logged on a lab server ? The following advises are for you.

  1. Log on on the server
  2. Go to .ssh/config with your editor (eMacs, etc)
  3. Put the following lines :
    Host *
    ForwardX11 yes
    ForwardAgent yes
    ServerAliveInterval 60

    It should solve your problems. Note that the ForwardAgent is needed only if you are using the RM key process (see on the intranet)

Your professional page

Edit your own webpage (HTML)

Get a free subscription to ArXiv daily updates of publications

By just sending a mail to arXiV, you will receive a daily update on new publications of interest on ArXiV in your mailbox.

Procedure: send a mail to with the following title: Subscribe Name Surname

(with your name/surname) In the mail, just put the arXiv classes that interest you like below (example):

add Earth and Planetary Astrophysics

add Solar and Stellar Astrophysics

You will then receive daily the abstracts of all the new papers loaded on arXiv related to these topics.

-- ThomasVuillaume - 08 Jan 2015

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Topic revision: r9 - 2016-01-14 - MaximeCudel
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