Bla blah

Useful IDL tips, procedures and self-made functions

The idea is to make available for everyone some of our self-made routines (or rare routines you've discovered somewhere in the depths of the Internet) and IDL tips.

Of course: and

Useful when you want to generate the radial velocity curve corresponding to a given set of orbital parameters (M1, M2, eccentricity, orbital period, mean anomaly, etc). Output = eccentric anomaly. Inputs = mean anomaly (defined with orbital parameters) and eccentricity.

-- Main.!SimonBorgniet - 27 Feb 2015

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Unknown file formatpro r1 manage 4.2 K 2015-02-27 - 14:23 UnknownUser Solves Kepler's 3rd equation

This topic: Main > WebHome > PhD > PhDTools > IDLtheque
Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-01 - SimonBorgniet
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