Overviews of facilities & instruments¶
VLTI overview / Teacher: **Antoine Mérand **[course video / slides
VLTI School - about VLTI.pdf
]The GRAVITY instrument / Teacher: Felix Widmann
MATISSE overview / Teacher: Bruno Lopez
CHARA array overview / Teacher: Gail Schaefer
SPICA / Teacher: Denis Mourard
MIRC-X and MYSTIC / Teacher: **Claire Davies **[course video / slides
Tuesday June 8
15h00-15h55 Overview of the VLTI and its evolution (55min) Antoine Mérand [course video / slides
VLTI School - about VLTI.pdf
Wednesday June 9
15h00-15h55 The GRAVITY instrument and its science results (55min) Felix Widmann [course video]
15h55-16h50 MATISSE Overview (55min) Bruno Lopez [course video]
17h10-18h00 The CHARA Array (50min) Gail Schaefer [course video]
18h00-18h30 SPICA: the new visible instrument at CHARA (30min) Denis Mourard [course video]
18h30-19h00 MIRCX and MYSTIC: near-infrared interferometry at CHARA (30min) Claire Davies [course video / slides