Documentation Web Server

Documents related to the 2500 working group

  • Status ImageReconstruction - Journee annuelle JMMC Nice 17 nov 2015 - , written by Eric Thiebaud
    [17 Nov 2015] > JMMC-PRE-2500-0002 < issue 1.0☟Permalink⇰SVN
  • Wisard User Manual , written by Martin Vannier, Gilles Duvert, Armando Domiciano
    [18 Jul 2014] > JMMC-MAN-2500-0001 < issue 0.2☟Permalink⇰SVN
  • Reconstruction d'images en interferometrie optique pour le JMMC - WISARD , written by Laurent Mugnier
    [07 avr 2009] > JMMC-PRE-2500-0001 < issue 1.0☟Permalink⇰SVN