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To launch
[linux@dc7800-NN ~]$ cd Tuto_MiRA
[linux@dc7800-NN ~]$ ./tutorial/soft/bin/yorick
Copyright (c) 2005. The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved. Yorick 2.1.06x ready. For help type 'help'
> #include "tutorial/soft/mira/mira.i"
Yeti 6.3.1 ready. Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Eric THIEBAUT.
Yorick tips and tricks:
- To zoom-in in a plot, left-click with the mouse
- To unzoom, right-click
- To move without zooming, push the middle-click and "drag" the image
- To display an image (stored in the variable
): pli, img0
- To clear the window, type
- To reset plot limits, type
- To get help on a function (if the documentation is written): e.g.
help, mira_solve
. If there's no documentation, you can still know the arguments of a function by typing e.g. info, mira_solve
We also have placed online
the mira documentation and the
PDF presentation
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