Once you have reduced all the nights of AMBER data, you will have a series of
files in the
directories. You can then type the following command to pack all the files together in a single directory:
cp /home/linux/Tuto_amber/HD87643_AMBER/2008-*-*/2008-*-*_3.0b4_OIDATA_AVG/PRODUCT_HD87643*.fits /home/linux/Tuto_amber/HD87643_AMBER/RESULTS/
Then you can select a wavelength interval with an additional
script called
. To load it, once in
, please type
. Then, type
help, filterOiFile
. For example, if you wish to keep only the K-band, type
filterOiFile, wlenRange=[2.05,2.45]*1e-6
and apply the script to all the product files together. You will have new files created which you can put then in the
Then, the last step is to pack all the files into a singla oi fits file. To do that, you can for example go to the
subdirectory and type into a console (NOT in yorick!)
oifits-merge HD87643_Kband.oifits *.fits
You should have then a
file that you will be able to use for the model-fitting and image reconstruction tutorials!
In case of problem, do not hesitate to ask questions!