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Here you can find the information related to the AMBER data reduction practice session

The practice session is based on the user manual of the AMBER data reduction software, especially the cookbook of section 4. You can access it by following this link: The AMBER data reduction software is available on the JMMC webpage:

The material of this practice session can be accessed in subdirectories of your /home/school/data/amber directory. You will first reduce the sample dataset in the directory alfara together with the teachers, and then will be left alone to reduce a complete dataset on the star HD87643, situated in the HD87643_AMBER directory

A complete sequence of amdlib yorick commands can be found here to reduce a dataset.

Once you have reduced all the nights of AMBER data, you will have a series of PRODUCT_HD87643_*.fits files in the 2008-*-*/2008-*-*_3.0b4_OIDATA_AVG/ directories. You can then type the following command to pack all the files together in a single directory: cp /home/linux/Tuto_amber/HD87643_AMBER/2008-*-*/2008-*-*_3.0b4_OIDATA_AVG/PRODUCT_HD87643*.fits /home/linux/Tuto_amber/HD87643_AMBER/RESULTS/

Then you can select a wavelength interval with an additional yorick script called amdlibPipeline.i. To load it, once in yorick, please type include,"amdlibPipeline.i". Then, type help, filterOiFile. For example, if you wish to keep only the K-band, type filterOiFile, wlenRange=[2.05,2.45]*1e-6 and apply the script to all the product files together. You will have new files created which you can put then in the /home/linux/Tuto_amber/HD87643_AMBER/RESULTS/FILTERED/ subdirectory.

Then, the last step is to pack all the files into a singla oi fits file. To do that, you can for example go to the /home/linux/Tuto_amber/HD87643_AMBER/RESULTS/FILTERED/ subdirectory and type into a console (NOT in yorick!) oifits-merge HD87643_Kband.oifits *.fits.

You should have then a HD87643_Kband.oifits file that you will be able to use for the model-fitting and image reconstruction tutorials!

Additionnally, you should use gasgano (just type "gasgano") to look at the structure of all the files in, e.g., the /home/school/data/amber/alfara data. Use fv to look at the innnards of fits files.

Some references that may be useful for this session:

  • AMBER data reduction, Goutelas Book. Note that the software from which the illustrations were derived has evolved a lot since. You will use the last version of both the AMBER data reduction library (amdlib v3.0) and of the Yorick interface.

-- TWikiGuest - 2010-05-18

I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng 4.png r1 manage 30.5 K 2010-05-19 - 16:20 TWikiGuest illustration on the spectral mixing at the band edges for JHK mode
Unknown file formati amdlibCalibrate.i r1 manage 75.2 K 2010-05-19 - 08:12 TWikiGuest  
C source code filec amdlibDark.c r1 manage 25.6 K 2010-05-20 - 09:23 TWikiGuest  
Unknown file formati amdlibPipeline.i r1 manage 359.5 K 2010-05-18 - 19:29 TWikiGuest  
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