SearchCal - Installation instructions


This page gives instructions for installation of SearchCal software.


What Version Where to find Remarqs
cvs -    
gcc and g++ -    
MCS -    

Default shell

The default shell is bash.


Access to CVS repository

Refer to CVS repository configuration

Installation user

ALERT! Installation MUST NOT BE done as root !!

The installation of the SearchCal software can be done either in :

  • MCSROOT swmgr user for software deployment, see swmgr user setting
  • INTROOT for development. In this case MCS environment must be correctly configured, see MCS setting


To deploy SearchCal, you must be logged in as user sclws
[lafrasse@mariotti:~]$ su - sclws

Prepare installation

You should first install sclins module :
[sclws@mariotti ~]$ cd deploy
[sclws@mariotti deploy]$ cvs co sclins
<user>'s password:
[sclws@mariotti deploy]$ (cd sclins/src ; make all install)
   == Dependencies: ../object/sclinsQuery.ds
   == Dependencies: ../object/sclinsStop.ds
   == Dependencies: ../object/sclinsStart.ds
   == Dependencies: ../object/sclinsInstall.ds
   == Making script: ../bin/sclinsInstall
   == Making script: ../bin/sclinsStart
   == Making script: ../bin/sclinsStop
   == Making script: ../bin/sclinsQuery
    . . . 'all' done
   Check <INTROOT> directory structure
   Installing into target: <INTROOT>
    Copying current files
           from: /diska/home/swmgr/sclins/src
             to: /diska/home/swmgr/INTROOT/Sources/sclins/src
           from: /diska/home/swmgr/sclins/include
             to: /diska/home/swmgr/INTROOT/Sources/sclins/include
                                                  . . . done
   To start SCALIB intallation, just do the following:
      % cd ../..
      % sclinsInstall
[sclws@mariotti deploy]$

Start installation

You should now install all other modules belonging to SCALIB. To do this just execute sclsinsInstall script as shown below :
[sclws@mariotti deploy]$ sclinsInstall
    -> All the SCALIB modules will be installed 
           from     : <current_directory>/DEVELOPMENT
           into     : <INTROOT_directory>
       WARNING: modules to be installed will be removed first
       from the SCALIB/DEVELOPMENT directory. Use '-u' option
       to only update modules

   Press enter to continue or ^C to abort

   <user>'s password:
[sclws@mariotti deploy]$

Details about possible option handled by sclinsInstall are available using sclinsInstall -h.

To install a specific SCALIB release, you should use the -t option giving the requested release, as shown below:

[sclws@mariotti deploy]$ sclinsInstall -t V3-3
    -> All the SCALIB modules will be installed 
            from     : <current_directory>/V3-3
            into     : <INTROOT_directory> 
[sclws@mariotti deploy]$

The list of SCALIB server release currently available are :

  • Legacy Releases : V3-0 ; V3-1 ; V3-1-1 ; V3-2 ; V3-3 ; V3-3-1 ; V3-3-2 ; V3-3-3 ; V3-3-4 ; V3-3-5 ; V3-3-6 ; V3-3-7.
  • V3-4-0 : Inclusion of Spectral Binary flagging using SB9C catalog.
  • V3-4-1 : Removal of all CHRARM catalog references.

The list of SearchCal client release currently available can be found in the sclgui/src/fr/jmmc/scalib/sclgui/ApplicationData.xml. Each client tag also refer to the following module list : jmcs sclins alx sclgui sclsvr sclws simcli vobs

  • SC_V4_0 : First release of the standalone Java client and SOAP webservice (based on MCS release DEC2008);
  • SC_V4_1 : Addition of the SBC9 catalog querying (based on MCS release MAY2009);

Quick start

To start the server as a inetd service (as user root) :

[root@mariotti ~]# service sclwsManager start

Have fun with SearchCal wink

-- SylvainLafrasse - 07 May 2009

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Topic revision: r4 - 2009-05-13 - SylvainLafrasse
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