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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
Unknown file formatgz VraimentFlat.fits.gz r1 manage 1.4 K 2008-10-17 - 12:23 GillesDuvert A really Flat Flat!
Unknown file formatgz AMBER_FFM_CHIP-247.fits.gz r1 manage 749.5 K 2010-07-29 - 14:34 GillesDuvert The Flat Field Map of the New AMBER Deector (ESO CHIP ID "247")
Unknown file formatgz AMBER_FFM_CHIP-ESO-test.fits.gz r1 manage 868.7 K 2010-07-29 - 14:34 GillesDuvert The Original Flat Field Map of the Old AMBER Deector (ESO CHIP ID "ESO-test")
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Topic revision: r44 - 2013-04-17 - GuillaumeMella
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