[ view entry ] ( 7098 views )
As posted here, Vizier will be unaccessible sometime between 8:00 and 12:00UT on Monday, March. 15 2010.
In consequence, SearchCal will be unavailable as well during this period, as it relies on CDS catalogs to retrieve calibrators data.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
[ view entry ] ( 7492 views )
Monday, February 22-23, 2010
One cooling system unit caused some electrical disturbances in the observatory building and the server room... Please apologize for inconvenience.
[ view entry ] ( 6878 views )
The oifits repository has one new layout. You can get more informations on every oifits files. Visit http://jmmc.fr/oidata/
[ view entry ] ( 6832 views )
As posted here, CDS will be unaccessible sometime between 8:00 and 10:30UT on Monday, Feb. 8 2010.
In consequence, SearchCal will be unavailable as well during this period, as it relies on CDS catalogs to retrieve calibrators data.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
[ view entry ] ( 6978 views )
Dans le cadre de sa mission de service à la communauté, le JMMC offre un
service de "support utilisateurs" à la fois pour les questions ayant
trait aux logiciels développés par le JMMC (outils de préparation aux
observations, de recherche de calibrateurs, d'ajustement de modèles, de reconstruction d'image,
de dépouillement de données AMBER, etc...) et plus
généralement pour la préparation des demandes de temps et des
observations VLTI/AMBER. Ce support utilisateur est un service
d'observation du SO5 JMMC qui est actuellement vacant. La personne en
charge de ce service intervient habituellement aussi sur la définition
et les évolutions des logiciels de préparation aux observations proposés
par le JMMC (Groupe ASPRO, P.I. G.Duvert).
[ view entry ] ( 7273 views ) | related link
As posted here, CDS will be unaccessible from 7:00 to 13:00 GMT on Saturday, Dec. 12 2009.
In consequence, SearchCal will be unavailable as well during this period, as it relies on CDS catalogs to retrieve calibrators data.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
[ view entry ] ( 7072 views )
One network problem probably located at the university level hidded the jmmc server.
We apologize for this second outage of the week.
[ view entry ] ( 6978 views )
One cooling system unit failed during the night. Then the thermal protection stopped all the computer which have been restarted in the morning.
[ view entry ] ( 6598 views )
ASPRO has been updated to fulfill the new ESO Call for Proposals Period 85, in particular regarding the new set of baselines offered for this period.
[ view entry ] ( 7198 views )