Release of the first version of the Optical Interferometry DataBase (OiDB) 
We are very happy to announce that the first version of the Optical interferometry DataBase (OiDB) is now ready for operations!

The current version contains a large sample of PIONIER observations (all calibrated OIFITS since 2011), the data from 8 vizier catalogs, and several years of CHARA observation logs (CLIMB, CLASSIC, VEGA). The database is continuously updated with new observations.
We hope you will find this portal convenient to share and look for reduced/published data.

Feedback form can be found in the "Help" menu of the top navigation bar.
Please do not hesitate to comment on anything, e.g. any problem you might have with the submission of your data, the user manual, aesthetics of the portal, etc. It is important for us to know that the portal is nice to use and that the data search and submission are clear and straightforward.
We encourage you to try the interoperability features that allow you to explore your data with OIFits Explorer or TOPCAT, or do some modeling with LITPro.

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