Hello there! (… General Kenobi)
Like the title already spoiled it, I’m Julien 😄
I’m currently in a PhD position in the Lagrange laboratory at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur at Nice. I’m working on evolved stars observed with the MATISSE/VLTI instrument. Currently my short-time purpose is to work on the evolved carbon star R Scl using the MATISSE data in order to locate, thanks to models and reconstruction techniques, the formation of dust and molecules and constraint the physical and chemical composition of the medium. While my PhD long-time purpose is to build consistent model able to adapt itself to several type of evolved stars (AGB (Oxygenated/Carbon), SG, WR, etc…).
I am so glad to be part, as a student, of this interferometric trip with all you guys 😁
Can’t wait to talk and exchange some words with you and thanks for taking the time to read all of this 🙂
Julien 🚀🚀🚀