
Hello! :) I am a second year PhD student in the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University.

I have an Electronics and Communication Engineering background in my bachelors, and jumped ship to do a Masters in Physics due to my passion for Astronomy and Astrophysics. My Masters thesis was on the mass estimation of the central black holes of NLS1 galaxies (Viswanath et al.(2019), doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ab365e). My interest in Exoplanets began following a summer internship I did after my Masters, during which I worked on searching for statistical evidence of star-planet interactions in the ultraviolet among a sample of planet-hosting stars detected both in GALEX and Gaia surveys (Viswanath et al. (2020), doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab7d3b).

My PhD research focuses on the detection and characterisation of exoplanets, mainly using High Contrast Imaging and High-Resolution spectroscopy. In my last project, I worked with imaging data from NaCo (L’) and NEAR (10-12.5 microns) instruments at VLT, in an attempt to directly detect the planetary companion of Eps Ind A, whose presence has been indicated from radial velocity (RV) and astrometric trends (arxiv:2105.09773). I am also currently working on the optimisation of a high resolution spectral extraction code for the CRIRES+ instrument, to analyse planetary spectra and study its atmospheric composition.

I am very excited to join the VLTI school this year, especially due to the emphasis on utilising interferometry for planetary science. Instruments like GRAVITY at VLT has shown the capability of interferometry for planet characterisation, and I am hoping to learn more about this specific field in detail and develop the necessary skills to analyse interferometric data for planet characterisation, and in future, also utilise it for observing proposals.

Looking forward to meeting everyone online!