Hi !
My name is Arthur, I’m doing my PhD at IPAG (Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble) in France.
My reasearch focus on exozodi (analog to the “zodi” : the zodiacal dust in the solar system) : small dust grains located from few stellar radii to several AU, detected in a consequent proportion of stellar systems. I’m currently developping a dynamical code to determine where the dust grains tend to accumulate, in order to draw grain density maps and then expected emitted/scattered light.
Finally, I plan to compare my numerical results (dynamics → radiative transfert) with exozodi observations. MATISSE at VLTI would be a great instrument to perform the observations I need, that’s why I’m here ! :)
In the personal side, I used to work as a urban planning engineer in Paris, but I came back to physics (that I like much more) and left Paris to study in Grenoble, in the french mountains. I enjoy outdoor activities (running / hiking / skiing), playing music, travelling etc.
You can contact me at my academic adress : arthur.peronne@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr