> VO Tools
VO Tools
JMMC Virtual Observatory Resources : Applications, Catalogues and databases
The JMMC technical group is involved in VO development to :
- integrate available VO standards and formats into the Jmmc Applications;
- push data and optical interfeometry data model into the VO.
Our main VO compliant products:

AppLauncher is the JMMC SAMP hub extension, to automatically start capable applications ’on demand’ and provide a ’Dock’ window with all JMMC applications (Aspro2, SearchCal, LITpro, OIFitsExplorer...) and VO compliant tools.
BadCal: The Bad Calibrators Catalog

OiDB: A global database for optical interferometry
JSDC: The JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalog
Some of IVOA VO applications that we love and support:

Topcat: Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables - Does what you want with tables

CDS: Strasbourg astronomical Data Center, with Simbad, Vizier, Aladin and many other.