
ASPRO 2 - the new version of ASPRO - is a complete observation preparation tool developed and maintained by the JMMC that allows to prepare interferometric observations with the VLTI or other interferometers. It is a Java standalone program providing a dynamic graphical interface to simulate the projected baseline evolution during the observations (supersynthesis), derive the visibilities for your targets (single star, binaries, user defined FITS image,...), and offers many additional useful functions: load and save your observation settings, generate Observing Blocks ...
Please launch a2p2 command if you need to fill your ESO P2 runs using Aspro2’s interop menu. Run pip install -U a2p2 to install the python package and find more details on its web page.
ASPRO 2 Documentation
The full documentation can be found on a web page containing the User manual.
There are also a few short films which provide an easy introduction to ASPRO 2 and some of its many functionalities.
As ASPRO 2 is still in development, changes are reported through the ASPRO 2 feed. See the Release Notes here and the evolving features on the telescopes configuration here.
ASPRO 2 depends on many open source libraries including these important astronomical / VO libraries:
- JSkyCalc : Observability constraints and Sky Display based on JSkyCalc by J. R. Thorstensen, Dartmouth College
- nom.tam.fits : Java FITS library providng efficient I/O for FITS images and binary tables. Made by Dr Thomas A. McGlynn, HEASARC
- JSAMP : Java toolkit for use with the Simple Applications Messaging Protocol. Made by Mark Taylor, Bristol University
The exhaustive list of open source libraries is available: view credits
Please see the updated Acknowledgements page.

- Sep. 2012: ASPRO does not get active support anymore (legacy software)
- Mar. 2017: application link removed because packaging, service and codes are out of date.
Please use ASPRO 2 instead
or contact our User Support Team if you need an ASPRO specific feature that is still missing in ASPRO 2.