- MIDI wiki
Note: The current limitation of the MIDI software developped by LESIA concerns the PRISM changes that are not taken into account. However you should be able to use the masks produced by MIA.

MIDI is the mid-infrared interferometric instrument of the VLTI. It is currently offered to the european astronomical community by the European Southern Observatory on a regular basis. Two calls for proposals are issued yearly: one on March 1st and one on September 1st, with submission deadlines one month later.
The MIDI Data Reduction Software is developed by the Paris Observatory / LESIA based group of the JMMC
Documentation & Support
MIDI Data Reduction Software User Manual (PDF format)
If you don’t have a PDF viewer, you can get the free Acrobat reader program.
If you need help in using/installing this software, please contact the JMMC user-support
Third party requirements
MIDI DRS is a fully functional IDL application. It can be run using either IDL runtime 5.6, 6.0 or 6.1
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE ONLY IF YOU ARE REGISTERED ON JMMC USER ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT PAGE. This will ensure that you are kept informed about software’s upgrades or bug fixing.
If you are not yet registered, please fill the right form onto the jmmc user account management page. You will quickly receive your password by mail. This password will be required, with your e-mail address, to access to the download page (see above).