> Pôle / SNO
> JMM : Jean-Marie Mariotti
JMM : Jean-Marie Mariotti
Jean-Marie Mariotti (1955-1998)

Jean-Marie Mariotti prematurely passed away after too short a career of optician and astronomer. With his students, his contributions to the nascent field of high angular resolution at optical wavelengths, and especially to interferometry, both on the ground and in space, have been remarkable. Pioneering the use of single-mode optical fibers and integrated optics, he pushed the accuracy of visibility amplitude measurements to a fraction of a percent. His vision of a Mauna Kea kilometric interferometer using the existing giant telescopes is now becoming a reality with the ’OHANA project. His role in the emergence of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) and in the birth of the space mission DARWIN for exoplanets studies has been essential.