Aspro2 ready for ESO Call For Proposals - P112 and the CHARA Array 2023B

Aspro2 23.03 is available for the ESO Call For Proposals - Period 112 (1 October 2023 - 31 March 2024) and the CHARA Array 2023B (August 1 through December 21, 2023) Call for Open Access Proposals (45 nights).
It supports the new VLTI Extended configuration providing baselines up to 200m thanks to the new double-path mode of the delay-lines.
Please use the ’VLTI Future’ period to get all intermediate relocation configuration for both periods 111 & 112.
For more details, go to the releases notes of aspro2 or of AsproConfig.

Deadlines for proposals:

  • ESO: Tuesday March 28, 2023 at 12:00 noon CET
    For VLTI users needing assistance to prepare their VLTI proposals, the community-supported VLTI Expertise Centres – distributed throughout Europe - the JMMC/SUV is one of them– can offer in-depth support. They also offer support for observation preparation, advanced data reduction and analysis.
  • NOIRLab/CHARA: Friday March 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm Mountain Standard Time (MST)

Let us you to recall that all JMMC releases are easily accessible. The last improvements are the following:

  • a2p2 0.6.3 Allows you to send Science/Calibrator OB containers from Aspro2 directly to your ESO P2 account for PIONIER/GRAVITY/MATISSE programs.
    -* OiFitsExplorer 0.5.3 Possibility to use multiple 1 and 2D filters on any OIFITS column to visualize selected data and export your data selection to one merged OIFits file.
  • OiTools 23.03 Provides an advanced command line interface for merging and oifits filtering.

And finally, first filmed tutorials have been realized and implemented here, to describe our tools visually, in complement to the User Manuals.

Aspro2 ready for ESO Call For Proposals - P112 and the CHARA Array 2023B

Mis à jour le 7 March 2023