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> Ready for ESO-P111, CHARA_2023A & new releases available
Ready for ESO-P111, CHARA_2023A & new releases available
Before the deadlines for both ESO & NOIRlab Call for Proposals (September 27, at 12:00 noon CET for the ESO-Period 111 [April 1; September 30, 2023] and September 30, at 11:59 pm Mountain Standard Time (MST) for the CHARA-2023A Period [1 March 1; July 31, 2023], let us point out some progress made on different tools that you can use advantageously to prepare your proposals:
- Aspro2 (V22.09), with e.g. much improved memory footprint when using user-models and an access to SearchFTT from the Target editor panel.
- SearchFTT (V1.2), to search for off-axis fringe tracking targets for the GRAVITY Wide mode.
- a2p2 (V0.5.2), to send Science/Calibrator OB containers from Aspro2 directly to your ESO P2 account for PIONIER/GRAVITY/MATISSE programs.
Other Tools have been improved too:
- OIFitsExplorer (V0.5.0), which allows to make multiple 1- or 2D-filtering on any OIFITS file, to visualize and save filtered data, as well as merge them in one single file.
- OImaging (V1.0.2) to use several image reconstruction algorithms (BSMEM, MIRA, SPARCO, WISARD) through a profoundly revised interface.
All these latest releases are detailed in the dedicated page of the softwares. Those are accessible from JMMC home page or from here.
Any feedback from you is welcome.
Updated on 2 October 2022