If WISARD was helpful for your research, please add this sentence
in the acknowledgement section of your articles:

``This research has made use of the Jean-Marie Mariotti Center \textsc{WISARD} image reconstruction utility \footnote{Available at http://www.jmmc.fr/wisard}.''

and cite the two following refereed papers in the body of your paper:

 (1) S. Meimon, L. M. Mugnier, and G. Le Besnerais,
   "Self-calibration approach for optical long-baseline interferometry imaging",
   J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 26(1):108-120, 2009.
 (2) S. Meimon, L. M. Mugnier and G. Le Besnerais,
   ``A convex approximation of the likelihood in optical interferometry'',
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A (November 2005).