PhD Students Well Being

*** Because it matters! ***

Your are not a fraud, you are not alone

Doing a PhD is hard. If not, it would not be PhD. Nevertheless, there are many sort of difficulties and some are not mandatory. If sometimes you feel like you are not up to the task, start reading this article:

Talk about it, to your friends, colleagues, other PhD students, or the GAD. Just anybody, but talk about it.

Where you can find help, or just talk

  • The GAD is a group of permanent researchers who are volunteering to ensure PhD thesis are going well. If you have any problem, with your environment at IPAG, your team, your supervisor and you feel like you need to talk to someone, you should contact them.
  • The PhD support group or Thésards anonymes is a format group parallel to the GAD. It should allow a better communication between students about their problems (which are most of the time common to all!).
  • The health center (Centre de santé) on the campus. There you will not only find medical doctors but also psychologists, support group (to learn to deal with stress or bad eating...) and more.


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PDFpdf PhD_student_meeting.pdf r1 manage 391.9 K 2015-01-08 - 15:24 UnknownUser PhD Students meeting in prevision of the HCERES evaluation - 08/01/2015

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Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-11 - ThomasVuillaume
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