This page gathers the enhancements and current limitations on the JMMC OITools library focused on the OIFITS data handling.

Its main features are:

  • read / write OIFITS files (V1 / V2 + IMAGE_OI extensions = OImaging)
  • read / write FITS image(s) and cubes (primary HDU, extra Image HDU)
  • data model description: meta-data for keywords, columns, tables
  • in-memory data structures to deal with tables (columns, keywords) and derived columns (hard-coded & expression support)
  • validation (command-line interface + web interface)
  • CLI interface: validation & serialization in TSV / XML formats (used by OIDB)

Useful links

Feedback on the OIFits2 standard

  • Rule: Columns that are not in the standard must start with "NS_". What would be the severity of an unknown table column name not starting with "NS_"
    • Answer: Yes I agree. Not using "NS_" is harmless except when designing a later version of the standard.
  • Question: The types for the keywords of the primaryHDU are defined by %s, %d, %f. We should therefore redefine these types in the same way for tables (currently in the form A, I, D, ...).
    • Answer: The correction has been applied to the standard and the new version is available.
  • Question: For the new table OI_INSPOL we have columns MJD_OBS and MJD_END, do we really need the keyword DATE_OBS in addition?
    • Answer: The correction has been applied to the standard and the new version is available. The keyword DATE_OBS is removed from the OI_INSPOL table.
  • Question: For some keywords (AMPTYP, PHITYPE) we have in description no information but only the possible values.
    • Answer: The usefulness of these keywords is explained in the text, as well as the explanation of possible values.

To restore

Improve the OIFITS validator (V1 / V2)

  • improve the validation results:
    • extract the severity, origin (table/keyword or column) from the validation message
    • sort & filter validation results


Problem 1: We have multi min/max methodes

  • In several file we have methode for calculate min/max value
  • for exemple : oifitsFile.getMinWavelengthBound() and oiWavelength.getEffWaveMin()
  • We need just 1 method to compute all kind of bound on any kind of mesurements (see also xmlOutputVisitor.appendRecord() )

Problem 2: We need to change Tam Fits Test for scrict comparison

  • Currently we ignore some error for the strict test or we need to fix that
  • We need to chose the best chose fix or ignore error, depending on severity.

See: oitools/src/test/resources/ref/WriteOIFitsTest.log

See also attached file at the end, describing differences in header usually see with raw comparison option.

Ignore case:

  • ARRAYXYZ: 123.0 vs 123.
  • NAXIS1 = row size different (taille des String)
  • TFORM = Data format
    • different value of header card[TFORM2] '6A' <> '16A'
    • different value of header card[TFORM3] 'I' <> '1I'

Extra Tables

Binary Tables that are not in the OIFits standards (V1 or V2) are totally skipped (OIFitsLoader? / OIFitsWriter? )

  • Consequence: Copying a FITS file may loose 'unknown' tables (load then write) !
  • Solution: When loading such a table, it seems possible to parse its header and create keyword / column descriptors on the fly then load it as usual (GenericTable extends Table)

Extra Columns in table

  • Try to detect the displaced columns ... => avoid false positives

  1. file: PRODUCT_V838_Mon_1-copy.90-2.53micron_2013-04-15T01_49_24.8034--------0.00000------------inf--------1--------2--------3
  • keywords:
    • OI_VIS Missing header card TTYPE15 was = VISCOVRI
    • OI_VIS Missing header card TFORM15 was = 16D
  • Columns:
    • different number of columns 17 <> 14 in VISCOVRI

  1. file: GRAVITY-copy.2016-01-09T05-37-06_singlesci_calibrated

  • different number of columns 16 <> 14 in ASTROMETRIC_DELAY
  • different number of columns 3 <> 2 in POLAR

  • OI_VIS Missing header card TTYPE15 was = ASTROMETRIC_DELAY
  • OI_VIS Missing header card TTYPE15 was = VISCOVRI

  • OI_T3 different number of header card 50 <> 52

Dimensions (TDIM)

  1. file: AMBER_070409-copy

  • OI_ARRAY Missing header card TDIM5 was = (3)
  • OI_VIS Missing header card TDIM7 was = (20)
  • different values for column[VISDATA]
  • different values for column[VISERR]

See OIFits V2 standard that mentions how to use the TDIM keyword

Problem 6: Setters API

To easily fill tables (complex keywords, columns), a simple setter API will be implemented:

* Define the column value for the given row (index)
(OITable).setColumn(int row, (Type) value)

* Define all column values for the given row (index)
(OITable).setRow(int row, values...)

External OIFITS resources

Topic attachments
ISorted descending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatres diffHeader.res r1 manage 40.4 K 2018-06-29 - 08:42 VincentJammet difference in header for raw comparison

This topic: Jmmc/Software > WebHome > JmmcOiFits > JmmcOiTools
Topic revision: r29 - 2018-06-29 - VincentJammet
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