MCS - Installation instructions



This page gives instructions for installation of MCS environment.


What VersionSorted descending Where to find Remarqs
libxml2 2.6  
libxml2-devel 2.6  
java sdk 1.5.XX Previous java packages should be uninstalled. no test have been done with next java releases.
doxygen 1.3.3 RPM package doxygen (standard package of Linux distrib)  
graphviz 1.16 Optional. If not installed, diagrams in documentation will not be generated. We encountered some errors during building process from TGZ. After the bad make return, just edit FEATURE/vmalloc and delete the bad characters before the C comment on the first line. Type make until the second error. Do the same with ./FEATURE/sfio and the next make will go until the end properly.
xsltproc 1.0-33 RPM package libxslt-proc (standard package of Linux distrib)  
libgdome 0.8.1-1  
libgdome-devel 0.8.1-1  
cvs -    
gcc and g++ -    
tclx -    
xmlstarlet - Optional. If not installed command to check VOTable format will not be available. xmlstarlet provides 'xml' command

Default shell

The default shell is bash.


Access to CVS repository

You should have an account on the server, and set the CVSROOT and CVS_RSH environment variables, as shown below for bash.
   export CVSROOT=:ext:[<user>@]
   export CVS_RSH=ssh
where <user> is your login on mariotti server.

MCS root directory

You should create a MCS_top_directory where the MCS SW will be installed; e.g. /home/MCS

swmgr user

ALERT! Installation must NOT be done as root !!

The installation of the MCS SW should be done by the swmgr user. Create this user and be sure that he has write access to the MCS root directory.
Log in as swmgr, and add the following lines in the ~/.bash_profile file:

   # CVS repository
   export CVSROOT=:ext:<user>
   export CVS_RSH=ssh

   # MCS release; uncomment the following line to use a specific MCS release.
   # By default, last version is used
   #export MCSRELEASE=APR2006 
   # MCS top directory
   if [ -z "$MCSTOP" ]
       export MCSTOP=<MCS_top_directory>
   if [ -f $MCSTOP/etc/ ]; then
      . $MCSTOP/etc/

   # MCS environment 
   export MCSENV=$USER
where <user> is your login on mariotti server, and <MCS_top_directory> is the directory from where MCS will be installed.

To activate those changes you need to:

   swmgr% source .bash_profile

Then check that CVSROOT, CVS_RSH and MCSTOP are correctly set.


Prepare installation (as swmgr user).

ALERT! If MCS is already installed, and you just update or install a specific MCS release, skip this step.

If you install MCS for the first time, you must install mcscfg module.To do it:

   swmgr% cd
   swmgr% cvs co mcscfg
   <user>'s password:
   swmgr% cd mcscfg/src
   swmgr% make all install
   Installing into: <MCS_top_directory>/data
    . . . installation done

After installation of this module, you need to log out and log in again.

Start installation (as swmgr user)

You should first install mcsins module. To install it:
   swmgr% cd
   swmgr% cvs co mcsins
   <user>'s password:
   swmgr% cd mcsins/src
   swmgr% make all install
   Checking MCS environment:
   Installing configuration files:
   Copying installation script file ...
   To start MCS intallation, just do the following:
      % cd ../..
      % ./mcsinsInstall

Installation of other modules (as swmgr user)

You should now install all other modules belonging to MCS. To do this just execute mcsinsInstall script as shown below:
    swmgr% cd
    swmgr% ./mcsinsInstall
    -> All the MCS modules will be installed 
        from     : <current_directory>/DEVELOPMENT
        into     : <MCS_top_directory>/DEVELOPMENT
        revision : last version (DEVELOPMENT)

   Press enter to continue or ^C to abort

   <user>'s password:

To install a specific MCS release, you should use the -t option giving the requested release, as shown below:

    swmgr% cd
    swmgr% ./mcsinsInstall -t SEP2005
    -> All the MCS modules will be installed 
        from     : <current_directory>/SEP2005
        into     : <MCS_top_directory>/SEP2005
        revision : SEP2005
The list of MCS release currently available are :
  • FEB2005
  • SEP2005
  • FEB2006
  • APR2006
  • APR2007
  • SEP2008
  • DEC2008
  • MAY2009

User environment

Set MCS environment

After installation of the MCS modules, you should now configure the user accounts by adding the following line in the ~/.bash_profile user's file:
   # CVS repository
   export CVSROOT=:ext:<user>
   export CVS_RSH=ssh

   # Integration root directory as created by the user

   # MCS release; uncomment the following line to use a specific MCS release.
   # By default, last version is used
   #export MCSRELEASE=SEP2005 

   # MCS top directory
   if [ -z "$MCSTOP" ]
       export MCSTOP=<MCS_top_directory>
   if [ -f $MCSTOP/etc/ ]; then
      . $MCSTOP/etc/

where <user> is your login on mariotti server, and <MCS_top_directory> is the directory from where MCS will be installed.

To activate the changes, you need to log out and log in again.

The User environment needs that an Integration Root directory be defined, $INTROOT . MCS will create it for you if it doesn't exist during one of your module installation. Or create it in your Home directory:

   > mkdir $INTROOT

Quick start

Show the current MCS configuration setting. To do this:
   user% mcscfgShow
   MCSTOP     = <MCS_top_directory>
   MCSDATA    = <MCS_top_directory>/data
   MCSROOT    = <MCS_top_directory>/DEVELOPMENT
   MCSENV     = default
   INTROOT    = <Integration_directory>

Create a directory for your development (e.g. ~/dev), and create your first module using ctooGetTemplate utility. To do this:

   user% mkdir ~/dev
   user% cd ~/dev
   user% ctooGetTemplate 
   Templates are available for :
       1- module directory structure
       2- code

   -> Enter the number corresponding to the working structure you need 
      or press <Enter> to exit : 1
   This utility allows to create or to check a module directory structure

   -> Enter module name or press <Enter> to quit: mymod
      CREATED >>> |---mymod 
      CREATED >>>     |---bin 
      CREATED >>>     |---config 
      CREATED >>>     |---doc 
      CREATED >>>     |---errors 
      CREATED >>>     |---include 
      CREATED >>>     |---lib 
      CREATED >>>     |---object 
      CREATED >>>     |---src 
      CREATED >>>     |---test 
      CREATED >>>     |---tmp 

   >>> Copying module description file

   >>> Copying module documentation file

   >>> Copying Makefile template for code

   >>> Copying module header file

   >>> Copying module private header file
If your module has been created, congratulations the MCS has been successfully installed!!!

Have good fun with MCS wink

-- GerardZins - 13 Jul 2006

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