How do I delete a PR ?

To delete a PR, use the --delete-pr option of pr-edit. The usage for pr-edit is:

        pr-edit [ -l username | --lock=username ] [ -u | --unlockdb ]
                                 [ -L | --lockdb ] [ -U | --unlockdb ] [ -c | --check ]
                                 [ -C | --check-initial ] [ -s | --submit ]
                                 [ -a field | --append field=field ]
                                 [ -r field | --replace=field ] [ --delete-pr ]
                                 [ -R reason | --reason=reason ]
                                 [ -p process-id | --process=process-id ]
                                 [ -d databasename | --database=databasename ]
                                 [ -f filename | --filename=filename ]
                                 [ -V | --version ]
                                 [ -h | --help ] [ -v username | --user=username ]
                                 [ -w passwd | --passwd=passwd ]
                                 [ -H host | --host=host ]
                                 [ -P port | --port=port ]
                                 [ -D | --debug ] [ PR number ]
In the following example, the user DbAdmin is deleting the PR number 2 in BUGS database located on mariotti server
        pr-edit --delete-pr -d BUGS -H mariotti -v DbAdmin -w passwd 2

ALERT! This action can only be done by users having admin access-level to the database (see gnatsd.user_access GNATS configuration file)

-- GerardZins - 13 Jul 2006

This topic: Jmmc/Software > McsFaq > JmmcMcsFaqGnatsDeletePr
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-07-13 - GerardZins
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