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PDFpdf ASCC_vs_SIMBAD_Vmags.pdf r1 manage 76.2 K 2020-10-13 - 15:56 LaurentBourges ASCC_vs_SIMBAD
PDFpdf ASCC_vs_SIMBAD_Vmags_histo.pdf r1 manage 5.5 K 2020-10-13 - 15:56 LaurentBourges ASCC_SIMBAD_histo
PDFpdf GAIA_col_V-G.pdf r1 manage 39.8 K 2020-10-13 - 15:57 LaurentBourges GAIA_pol
PDFpdf gaia_pol_G-V.pdf r1 manage 77.4 K 2020-11-04 - 08:57 LaurentBourges Gaia G-V fit
PDFpdf gaia_pol_V_diff.pdf r1 manage 64.7 K 2020-11-04 - 08:57 LaurentBourges Gaia Tycho2 V diff
PDFpdf jsdc_200909_hist_seps.pdf r1 manage 15.5 K 2020-09-25 - 15:22 LaurentBourges jsdc separation histogram
PDFpdf jsdc_bright_20200827-sep2nd.pdf r1 manage 10.9 K 2020-09-28 - 10:09 LaurentBourges Separation between 1st and 2nd object: XM_..._sep_2nd

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Topic revision: r12 - 2020-11-04 - LaurentBourges
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