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Scientific Software Everything should work out of the box, without further configuration ! Here is a list of scientific software available on each desktop: Software...
Lectures Title Author File other material, references... Introduction to optical interferometry J. Surdej Part 1 , 2 , 3 Proposal...
Home Lectures Seminars Tutorials Proposals Pop Up Software List of Participants Pictures Gallery
Feel free to fill this area with messages or pictures!! By uploading your photos here, you hereby accept that they might be publicly available on the Internet later...
School Seminars Title Author File References VLTI develpoment plan JP Berger MATISSE B. Lopez AGN W. Jaffe MROI...
Visit available software list section for the tutorials. Practice sessions AMBER data reduction AmberDataReduction Duvert.pdf: slides of the introduction to...
Here comes the notes and examples to administrate the school computers: first login as root #64; (or Then have in mind that /school/...

Number of topics: 8
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