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Administrative Details If you have any administrative question, please contact either: Catherine BLANC (catherine.blanc AT Caroline DAIRE...
School Timetable Here is the program as of Monday 26 : 26avril.xls Agenda.jpeg...
Computers Facts Desktop Machines The LOC has set up a whole practice room full of 22 desktop PC running GNU/Linux Mandriva 2010 32bits. Each desktop computer in...
Avant de Partir... Salut Olivier, Comme c`est toi le taulier, on compte sur toi pour d...
Home LOC Messages Administrative Details Agenda Presentations Tutorials Computers Network List of Participants Pictures Gallery Note: This web...
Messages from the Local Organization Comity Due to the late to very late arrival of participants: Sunday 18 is free; We will try to duplicate the presentations...
List of Participants Eymen Alyaz: Chrysa Avdelliou: Monica Blanco: Nicolas Blind: Stacey Bright: Pedro Carvas...
Teachers Presentations Each school presentation will be made available here: Title Author...
The pictures are sorted in several topics. Courses/Tutorials Sea Kayaking Porquerolles Some personal pictures from Magdalena:
Pratice Sessions List of tutorials: 1 Modelling Practice session; 1 Observation Preparation session; 1 AMBER Data Reducton session; 1 MIDI Data Reduction...

Number of topics: 10
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