JMMC Logiciel OIFitsExplorer Introduction L` est un outil d`analyse et visualisation de fichiers OIFits. Ses fonctions de plots...
Liste des bugs et feature requests pour OImaging Cette liste fait doublon avec les tickets track / issue github et ne servira que temporairement le temps de d...
This page gathers information and document content admin tasks. Introduction The portal provides a user interface with three level of content: public access...
Overview Theo ten Brummelaar is working on the definition of a file for publishing the observation logs from the CLIMB and CLASSIC instruments at CHARA. Data submission...
XavierHaubois 02 May 2014 Data model table for main datasets: M mandatory, O optional, D deduced from the oifits keywords or from the other metadata, N/A...
XavierHaubois 02 Jun 2014 Table of L0 metadata (observation logs)to display. Example for the CHARA case: Those we get from the local observatories servers: field...
Manuals OiDB User Manual ( This web page is edited on the wiki and is cloned onto the oidb portal through the Backoffice dashboard.) OiDB Admin Guide Data...
This page is listing technical discussions and notes on the OiDB project. See the definition of the OiDB project in the document from the 2013 06 26 meeeting or in...
OiDB User Manual Revision : 0.7 Date : 16 October 2022 Authors : oidb Working Group Table of Contents 1. Introduction The Optical interferometry DataBase...
XavierHaubois 02 May 2014 Presentation of oidb: Oifits explorer Oifits validation: L2/L3 portal, submission, L0 VEGA. Remarks: cases where the 1 year...
Overview The user can upload individual OIFITS files and create a collection of their granules. It is possible to upload either calibrated data (L2) or calibrated...
Obsportal L0 OiDB coupling Since Obsportal is now online and makes a lot of obslogdata massage it now makes sense to load this source of information into OiDB Here...
Overview The PIONIER L2 data comes from OIFITS files provided by Jean Baptiste LeBouquin on a regular basis. They are stored on jmmc server behind a webserver for...
L`objectif de cette maquette est de rendre accessible et interrogeable les donnees presente actuellement sur l`espace Pour cela nous allons installer...
CR reunion Mercredi 1 decembre 14h 16h Presents: DM PB JMC SL LB GD GM DM: Intro/presentation contexte activite OV OCA Mention d`un CDD 2ans pour mise en ligne d`un...
This topic is a working area to start building of specifications of the OiDB portal in a dynamic way. Root elements comes from the user requirement document...
This page gathers main information about the current design of the OiDB and any hint that can help its future development. This content is not dedicated to final users...
This topic aims to describe the specification from a technical point of view. TODO: define the instrument mode (can we get same general concept across various instruments...
Overview VEGA has a consultation software and also exposes a web service to retrieve observation data. Data extraction The application has a special module to query...
Overview Some Astronomical Catalogues on VizieR contains OIFITS files. OiDB provides a way to semi automatically analyze and import the data from these catalogs....