This topic given documentation elements for fr.jmmc.mcs.util package ObservableDelegate This object can be used by one class that must extend one mother class and...
Update the JSDC in 2020 (v2020 ?) This page gathers notes on the overall process to obtain the updated JSDC catalog (v2020) based on Simbad SPTYPE VJHK mags (tycho...
Some notes on the JSDC V2 released to ESO on april 2014 V2014 04 23 Files and additional stuff: fits file with limited columns and associated records with...
Analyse du retour de Klara Shabun sur la version Apr2011WithMagN 2.fits.gz From: Klara Shabun Date: 31 mai 2011 14:08:54 HAEC To: jmmc eso tech #64;ujf
Lundi 28 mai 2018 Evolution: SearchCal, GetCal JSDC V2 Participants: A. Chelli, G. Duvert, P. Kervella, P. Cruzalebes, D. Mourard, L. Bourges, G. Mella G. Duvert...
This page gathers TODO, discussed development tasks or enhancements with their statuses (pending, done or postponed) : Supporter interferometer and instruments :...
AMBER Data Reduction Software Liste des actions closes EOF Creer la page Web et mettre en ligne pour le telechargement du logiciel AMBER DRS J`ai rajoute une partie...
JMMC Architecture technique du logiciel ASPRO 2 Introduction Cette page rassemble les diagrammes UML de description de l`architecture interne du logiciel Aspro...
GillesDuvert 13 May 2010 ASPRO now in version 64 bits on the server. Due to a bug in the old version of the G95 compiler used on, aspro is compiled in...
Description This topic is dedicated to the ASPRO data model describing both the interferometer (stations, instruments, configuration) and an observation using an interferometer...
GillesDuvert 31 Mar 2005 Fixed handling of unexpected aspro and/or other process exit during as session. (Aspro for example autologouts after 1 hour idle). Now...
Conventions All angles or coordinates are stored internally in radians All angles or coordinates mostly are presented to the user in degrees (sexagesimal...
Aspro Plots Source Observability observability.svg Data to plot: Twilight zones ( Time1,LuminosityLevel1 tuples ) (Do we need the detail of Nautical, Civil and...
This topic is dedicated to the modelisation of the targets in the future ASPRO. Note : this is related to the ModelFitting (LITpro) software for both LITpro gui and...
Le Jmmc heberge depuis debut 2010 la base de donnees de publication d`Olbin. Un stage a permis de lancer le projet en redigeant un petit cahier des charges A completer...
Get printer friendly version of the JMDC User Manual JMDC JMDC User Manual Date: July 18th 2019 Authors: Raphael JACQUOT Laurent...
MCS Frequently Asked Questions Makefile How do I set Makefile to compile C or C program? Compilation Compilation fails after I removed my INTROOT Doxygen...
How to name a tag Tag is like a marker allowing to identify in a unique way a set of elements (files, modules) and used to retrieve this set of coherent elements,...
How can I make doxygen ignore some code fragment? The new and easiest way is to add one comment block with a @cond command at the start and one comment block with...
The HELP command does not return the description I wrote into the cdf file During callback registration, the associated cdf filename must be given to make HELP command...
Compilation fails after I removed my INTROOT directory After consequent changes concerning your INTROOT, it is better to clean( make clean) your module before compiling...
How do I set Makefile to compile C or C program? A executable (i.e. program) is obtained linking one or more C or C files and/or library files. An executable is...
Les donnees suivantes sont partagees et en ligne actuellement sur le serveur d`application du JMMC. Chaque fichier fits partage dispose sur cette page d`une section...
Page en cours de creation GuillaumeMella 01 Mar 2010 Iper : Fitter par un disque uniforme vos oifits: Que fait Iper: 1 recupere le fichier oifits fournit...
Object Merging of OIFits files OIFits format This format carry observation data. Two parts types are present in it: observation data and referential. Referential...
Observation Portal (Share and track observations) This page gathers initial ideas inputs related to improve observers deal with their programs (many targets / OB...
JMMC/ObsPortal: Software architecture Questions Several points must be discussed in order to define an architecture. Vollt library (CDS) provides a TAP reference...
JMMC/ObsPortal: Data analysis Astroquery It seems that there...
Purpose The OI FITS (Optical Interferometry Flexible Image Transport System) format is commonly used to store data provided by optical interferometers. This software...
This page gathers the enhancements and current limitations on the JMMC OITools library focused on the OIFITS data handling. Its main features are: read / write...
OITools Documentation Data Model class diagram (general structure) Data Model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they...