Backlinks to JmmcOiTools in Jmmc/Software Web (Search all webs)

Results from Jmmc/Software web retrieved at 21:31 (GMT)

Observation Portal (Share and track observations) This page gathers initial ideas inputs related to improve observers deal with their programs (many targets / OB...
OITools Changelog 29/01/2018 14/02/2018, sprint 15 GitHub Creation of project developpement Create a lot of issues to resume TODO Validation...
OITools Documentation Data Model class diagram (general structure) Data Model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they...
OITools Roadmap Updated: 08/02/2018 In progress: Project documentation OIFitsValidator enhancements Severity profil Filter Message...
Context OIFITS validator service: Supports OIFITS standard 1 2 OIFITS V2 data model rules: sw/oiTools...
Overview The PIONIER L2 data comes from OIFITS files provided by Jean Baptiste LeBouquin on a regular basis. They are stored on jmmc server behind a webserver for...
Welcome to the 1 web Projets de recherche et d...
Number of topics: 7

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